Successful product launches
Courses that cover strategies, best practices, and frameworks for successful product launches. Learn how to develop and launch products in a startup environment, organize a product launch process, gain confidence in launching products, and understand metrics and monetization. Gain knowledge on standing up a product launch process at an organization that has not had one before. Explore step-by-step frameworks and advice for approaching new product launches from end-to-end.
Finance for PMs
Structuring Product Teams
Product Leadership
Platform Product Management
PM Frameworks
Hiring Product Managers
Successful product launches
Courses that cover strategies, best practices, and frameworks for successful product launches. Learn how to develop and launch products in a startup environment, organize a product launch process, gain confidence in launching products, and understand metrics and monetization. Gain knowledge on standing up a product launch process at an organization that has not had one before. Explore step-by-step frameworks and advice for approaching new product launches from end-to-end.