Building and launching successful courses
Courses that provide guidance on structuring, pacing, and pricing class ideas. Learn to create course materials and manage courses independently. Develop skills to build valuable courses and gain insights on shortening course design time. Understand course format, presentation style, and delivery. Gain knowledge on achieving course market fit, pricing courses, choosing course materials, and incorporating capstone projects. Also, learn to create engaging courses that attract students and effectively use online platforms.
Finance for PMs
Content Marketing
Product Management Career Ladders
Structuring Product Teams
Building and launching successful courses
Courses that provide guidance on structuring, pacing, and pricing class ideas. Learn to create course materials and manage courses independently. Develop skills to build valuable courses and gain insights on shortening course design time. Understand course format, presentation style, and delivery. Gain knowledge on achieving course market fit, pricing courses, choosing course materials, and incorporating capstone projects. Also, learn to create engaging courses that attract students and effectively use online platforms.