Workback Calendar
Here's a six-week course marketing plan. Each week, you'll focus on a 1-3 action items to drive enrollments for your cohort. We've also created templates for you to use every step of the way–check them out below.
Week -6:
✅ Survey your audience to build a waitlist
✅ Interview 10 interested students and incorporate their language into your CLP
✅ Create a list of all your contacts and message them
Week -4 and -5:
✅ Publish your landing page
✅ Post value-add content on social media/ newsletter
✅ Announce your course
✅ Create Dropped off or Acceptance drip campaign
Week -3:
✅ Conduct 1:1 calls with every interested students (weekly)
✅ Send personalized emails to interested students
Week -2:
✅ Offer a free workshop. Promote to your interest list + contacts + social media
Week -1:
✅ Drive last minute enrollments (referrals)
Week 0 - Cohort Start:
✅ Welcome and onboard students
Survey your audience
I'm thinking about building a live, [X-length] cohort-based course for [target student] on how to [course outcome]. You’ll learn [outcome 1, outcome 2, outcome 3]. I’ve taught/consulted on this topic for X years working at Y company [insert your credibility as a leader, operator, coach, consultant, and/or teacher]. Now I’d love to teach you. Fill out this survey to get on the waitlist & be the first to hear when enrollments open: [Maven form link]
Value-add content for email/LinkedIn/Twitter
Theme (a few options):
questions I get asked all the time about {topic}
ways I {achieved dream outcome} in {short time}
unusual ways to solve {X problem}
ways I {achieved dream outcome} in {short time}
myths about {topic}
unusual ways to solve {X problem}
Hi {{ StudentName }},
{Course topic} is hard. {What makes it hard? What is the impact if they don’t learn X?}.
{Introduce your email’s main idea and briefly explain the benefits if the readers can achieve X result or prevent making X situation}.
Template/Examples: {Insert template}
{Provide examples}
{signature or sign off}
P.S. If you want more content like this, here’s a {link to workshop/blog posts/articles/case studies/videos/tools/swipe files/etc} I think you’ll love.
Messaging friendlies outreach email or LinkedIn DM
Subject: Some news to share
Hi {first name},
Hope you’re well! I’m reaching out because I recently launched a new course {hyperlink} and wanted to see if you’d be up for sharing it with folks who would find it valuable. The course is called {course name} and it’s for {target student}.
This course is for {target students} who are looking to {achieve goal}. We’ll cover topics like {action-oriented outcomes 1,2, 3}. These are the frameworks I developed over more than a decade {doing X - highlight your credibility}. I’ve already coached hundreds of professionals to {achieve goals}. Now I’m looking to share this knowledge with a wider audience.
Do you know folks who could benefit from this course? Please feel free to forward this note, or if it’s easier you can share it here {insert link}. If someone you know might be interested, they can reach out to me at I’m happy to share more. Thank you for your help!
{Your name}
Standalone announcement email
🐦 This can also be repurposed for LinkedIn or as a Twitter thread. If you choose to write a Twitter thread, make sure to link to your course in the final tweet.
Subject: Announcement: ___ is open!
Hi {{ StudentName }},
I am happy to finally share the official announcement for {{ CourseName }} with all of you.
If you are a {target student} who is {trying to achieve a goal}, I’d love for you to join us!
Learning how to {do desired things} is overwhelming. {Describe why it is overwhelming in real, visceral terms. Why does it make the student pull out their hair in frustration?}. It can be daunting when you are doing it alone.
In this course, you get hands-on experience on how to {do and create things to achieve your goal}. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded peers to learn and build together. You will also {state other benefits like guest lectures, specific topics}.
You walk away with {concrete outcome} that you can {use for your benefit}. Best of all, you will have {benefits of a community}.
What’s in the course:
List out features/benefits (e.g., 4 interactive live workshops, weekly office hours) or learning objectives (e.g., how to…)
To review the detailed syllabus and schedule, please visit this page:
Only {X} seats in this cohort. I recommend joining soon. Enrollments close on {date}.
{Your name}
P.S. If you have questions, just hit reply. These emails go to my personal inbox. Happy to chat and answer your questions.
Dropped off email option 1
Subject: I’m holding a spot for you!
Hi {{ StudentName }},
It looks like you were almost ready to join me in {{ CourseName }}.
Then what? Something happened during your enrollment.
Something has you on the fence. Can you reply and let me know what, so I can help?
And once you're ready to join, use this link to lock in your spot: {{ CourseJoinLink }}
{Your Name}
P.S. If you’d like to chat 1:1 about the course, text me at {cell number} and we can find a time. If it’s easier for you, feel free to see if any of these dates work for you: {Calendly link}
Dropped off email option 2
Subject: Want to chat about [Course Name]?
Hey __, hope you’re doing well!
I wanted to let you know that enrollment for my course [Course Name] closes in 2 days. We have amazing, diverse students joining from [insert roles & companies]. It’s gonna be a blast!
I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Text me at [insert number] to ask me anything, or if it’s easier, you can schedule a quick 15 min chat [here].
Personalized acceptance email
Subject: {First Name}, welcome to {Course Name}
Hey {First Name},
Just wanted to say that the answer you had for {application question} was amazing.
So many people I’ve coached have had similar experiences of {common struggle}.
I was blown away by the quality of your application and your impressive background as a {role}. I think that many people would love to hear about your journey and goals. A few other folks from similar roles at {name of companies} are planning to join. You’ll love learning from each other in a cohort setting.
I’m super excited to invite you into the cohort to guide you to {achieve goal}. Here’s the schedule from {Start date - End date} (x-weeks). All sessions are recorded in case you need to miss one:
{Date and time}
{Date and time}
{Date and time}
If you have any questions about {Course Name}, let me know. Happy to help!
Join here by {{ PaymentDeadline }}: {{ CourseJoinLink }}
See you soon :)
{Your Name}
P.S. If you’d like to chat 1:1 about the course, text me at {cell number} and we can find a time. If it’s easier for you, feel free to see if any of these dates work for you: {Calendly link}
Reimbursement template
Subject: Course expense
Hey {manager},
There’s a great course called {coursename} that I’d love to enroll in. It’s a live, online course with other {role}.
A few highlights:
Direct access to the expert instructor teaching the course
Latest thinking and strategies in the space
Collaborative hands-on working sessions to test new tactics and ideas
After I take the course, I’m happy to summarize and present my learnings to the team. I’ll be able to apply a lot of what I learn immediately.
The reviews are great and it has some solid testimonials too. It costs {$price}. If you like, you can review more course details here: {courselink}
Would you approve a full or partial reimbursement?
1:1 call invitation
Subject: Chat about {course name}?
Looks like you were considering joining {Course name}. I’d love to chat with you to answer any questions and share more re: what other {designers, marketers, etc} thought of the course. What’s your cell? I’ll text you to find a time. Mine is {insert number}.
Or include this at the end of an email:
P.S. If you’d like to chat 1:1 about the course, text me at {cell number} and we can find a time. If it’s easier for you, feel free to see if any of these dates work for you: {Calendly link}
1:1 call script
Goal: Listen to their challenges, offer guidance, and mention how your frameworks can help them. Your prospective student should leave the call feeling pumped that they got valuable advice in 15 min. It should make joining your cohort feel like a no-brainer.
Here is 50% about the questions you might ask as conversation starters. The other 50% is about using the prospective students’ answer to move the conversation forward and tailor your pitch.
“Where are you based and what do you do? I’m in {share where you’re based}.” {Small talk to build rapport and kick off the call}
“What got you excited about this course?” {Take what they say here and build on it}
“What challenges are you looking to tackle?”
“If you were to join, what’s the one thing you’d want to get out of it?”
Pitch your course by offering insightful, non-obvious advice and tease your content. “By the way, I have a whole section on this in the course. It sounds like it could be a good fit for you. Would you want to join the upcoming cohort?”
“What are types of students do you think would be interested in this course?” {You want to ask this so you can hear the prospective student verbalize who it’s for/not for. You can use this language in your landing page, and use it to convince the prospective student it’s for them}
1:1 call follow up text
hint: sending a text is more personal than email and gets better read rates
Hey {first name}, I loved meeting you today. Let me know if my tips on {topic} were helpful. I mentioned briefly that I’m creating a cohort-based course on {topic} starting on {date}. You’d be an amazing addition to the cohort. I have a few people signed on who are dealing with the same issue. Here’s the link to sign up: {insert course pay link}. If you have any questions, just text me.
Free workshop invitation
Subject: A freebie: {How to workshop topic}
Hi {{ StudentName }},
I'm hosting a free workshop next {date and time} on {topic}!
I'll cover {summarize 2-3 learning objectives}. I'll even do a couple teardowns of {my past content} and show you pitfalls to avoid.
Register here {hyperlink}
You’ll get to apply my favorite framework for {specific topic}, so you can:
{Insert 3-4 outcomes}
{Insert 3-4 outcomes}
{Insert 3-4 outcomes}
This is a sneak peek of my upcoming cohort-based course on {topic} for {ideal student}. Come see if the course could be a good fit for you.
By the end, you’ll {create a takeaway} using my tried-and-true template. I’ll critique a few of them live. You can raise your hand to volunteer, or just sit back and watch. Either way, you’ll leave with {takeaway} you can feel proud of.
Can’t make the session? Register anyways to get the recording {register hyperlink}.
{Your name}
P.S. My upcoming {x-week} cohort-based course {Course Name} starts on {date}. Here’s the link to learn more: {insert page}.
Free workshop minute-by-minute agenda

Free workshop reminder email
Subject: Reminder for tomorrow
Hey {first name},
Thanks for registering for my upcoming workshop on {Topic}! I’ve spent 8 years at {role} and {role}. Today, I manage/coach/consult dozens of {role} on {desired outcome}.
I’ve made every mistake in the book and learned the hard way.
{Mistake you made / bad thing your prospective student wants to avoid}
{Mistake you made / bad thing your prospective student wants to avoid}
My goal is to help you avoid the same pitfalls and regrets. Learning {skill/concept/topic} can change the trajectory of your life. I know it did for me.
You’ll get to apply my favorite framework for {specific topic}, so you can:
{Insert 3-4 outcomes}
{Insert 3-4 outcomes}
{Insert 3-4 outcomes}
This is a sneak peek of my upcoming cohort-based course on {topic} for {ideal student}. Come see if the course could be a good fit for you.
By the end, you’ll {create a takeaway} using my tried-and-true template. I’ll even critique a few of them live. You can raise your hand to volunteer, or just sit back and watch. Either way, you’ll leave with {takeaway} you can feel proud of.
{Your name}
P.S. My upcoming {x-week} cohort-based course {Course Name} starts on {date}. Here’s the link to learn more: {insert page}.
Free workshop follow-up to attendees
Subject: Thank you—follow up
Hey {first name},
I noticed you joined my workshop yesterday. Thank you for being so engaged and open. I was blown away by what you said about {Insert actual quote}. I saw a bunch of heads nodding in agreement. So many of my clients/students have had similar experiences of feeling {insert challenge}.
I think you’d be an amazing addition to my {x-week} cohort starting on {date}. There are a few other folks like you joining: {insert professions, name companies}. So many people would love to hear about your journey and experience as a {insert their role}. I would be super excited to have you in the cohort and to guide you to {insert transformation}.
Here’s the link to join: {insert course link}. The last day to enroll is {date}.
If you have any questions, just hit reply or book a 10-min call here if that’s easier for you: {insert booking link}. I can offer some tips on how to get the course reimbursed by your employer. Looking forward to hearing from you!
{Your name}
Free workshop follow-up to no-shows
Subject: Sorry I missed you—recording link
Hey {first name},
Sorry I missed you at the workshop yesterday! We had 20 people from companies like {name companies} join us in a lively discussion on {topic}. I saw that you work at {role} and was looking forward to hearing what challenges you’re dealing with right now.
Here’s the recording: {link}
Would you like a PDF of my framework? It includes the exercises from the workshop. Just reply and I’ll share it with you.
{Your name}
P.S. This workshop was a sneak peek of my upcoming cohort on {topic}, starting on {date}. A few other folks like you are joining: {insert professions, name companies}. I would be super excited to have you in the cohort and to guide you to {insert transformation}. Here’s the link to learn more: {insert link}.
Get referrals from enrolled students
Subject: Learning with a friend
Hey __, we have only a few spots left in the cohort of [Course Name]. I’m excited to kick off with you next week. If you have a friend or coworker who is as sharp and dedicated to leveling up like you, here’s a blurb you can share to invite them.
Blurb [You should customize this for your course, so it’s easy to forward]
Hey [name], I’m signed up for [Course Name with Instructor] to learn how to [X]. I’m going to [insert transformational learning objective - ex. create an actionable go-to-market plan for my startup.]
I thought it might be fun to take the class together. Would you be interested? Here’s the link to enroll (final day is X/X).
Orientation email
Check out this guide on how to start your cohort and welcome studentsSubject: Kicking off {{ CourseName }}
Hi {{ StudentName }},
I’m so excited for you to join me for this upcoming cohort of {{ CourseName }}!
We’re getting started on {{ CohortStartDate }}, and I just want to get you oriented to how I’ll run this cohort.
Events. You’ll receive Calendar invites to each live workshop. Please make sure these are in your calendar. If they aren't, please let me know.
Community. Join our cohort community to connect with fellow students and check out the resources in the syllabus. Click this link to access the community: [ Use the email address you’re receiving this email with.
Syllabus/pre-work. The syllabus is where I’ll house all the pre-readings and bonus materials. There’s a small amount of reading you need to do before each workshop so you get the foundational concepts. Check it out here: You’ve joined an incredible group of individuals and I’m excited you're here. This will be a collaborative experience - that’s right, no sitting back!
Our first workshop is on {{ CohortStartDate }}. Check your calendar or the Events section of the student portal for the Zoom link. In case you miss a session, each workshop is recorded and uploaded into the student portal.
If you have any questions, just reply directly to this email and I’ll help you out.
See you soon!