Climate tech startup evaluation and investment strategies
Courses that provide tools and frameworks to effectively identify, evaluate, and invest in climate tech startups. Learn how to evaluate startups and understand their potential for success. Develop the skills needed to network and reason like a venture capitalist in the climate tech space. Gain a deep understanding of the process of picking, analyzing, and investing in the right climate tech startups, even on a limited budget. Expand your knowledge of climate tech funding and learn about new perspectives and mental models on climate tech startups and business models.
Growth Models
Strategy Frameworks
Intro to Financial Metrics
Competitive Analysis
Growth Experimentation
Growth Strategies
Climate tech startup evaluation and investment strategies
Courses that provide tools and frameworks to effectively identify, evaluate, and invest in climate tech startups. Learn how to evaluate startups and understand their potential for success. Develop the skills needed to network and reason like a venture capitalist in the climate tech space. Gain a deep understanding of the process of picking, analyzing, and investing in the right climate tech startups, even on a limited budget. Expand your knowledge of climate tech funding and learn about new perspectives and mental models on climate tech startups and business models.