Building and applying AI in product development
Courses that explore the fundamentals of AI and ML, how to incorporate AI into existing product strategy, evaluate AI functionalities and gain buy-in from stakeholders. Learn how to design and develop AI products, and gain a deeper understanding of the different dimensions of AI. Understand the ways AI can be applied strategically in product management and strategy development. Enhance technical understanding of AI to lead product teams.
Machine Learning for PMs
Machine Learning
Structuring Product Teams
Platform Product Management
Deep Learning
Product-Focused Engineering
Building and applying AI in product development
Courses that explore the fundamentals of AI and ML, how to incorporate AI into existing product strategy, evaluate AI functionalities and gain buy-in from stakeholders. Learn how to design and develop AI products, and gain a deeper understanding of the different dimensions of AI. Understand the ways AI can be applied strategically in product management and strategy development. Enhance technical understanding of AI to lead product teams.