3 Tips for Diagramming Conflict at Work
Hosted by Kate Krontiris and Charley Johnson
What you'll learn
Get clarity on what kind of conflict you're facing
Map the dynamics of the conflict cycle
Figure out how to get people the help they need
Why this topic matters
You'll learn from
Kate Krontiris
Co-Founder at Facilitation Leadership Lab
Facilitator, ethnographer, and musician, Kate is an organizational development strategist with over 20 years of facilitation, mediation, and conflict resolution experience. Clients have included Google, Obama United States Digital Service, Facebook, and United Nations.
Charley Johnson
Co-Founder at Facilitation Leadership Lab
Writer, teacher, facilitator, and obnoxiously proud uncle, Charley works at the intersection of technology and social change. He founded Untangled, a newsletter and podcast on technology, people, and power. Currently at Data & Society; previously at USAID and GWU.
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