Types Of Experiments Rundown

Hosted by Jakub Linowski

314 students

What you'll learn

Widen your experiment design horizons with an overview of:

Experiment types: Isolated, Intensity, Leap, Exploratory, Cascade, Cluster Randomized, Replication, Switchback, Hold Out

Think of experiments as sequences

We'll also discuss how different experiments types could be combined together to complement their strengths.

Chit-chat + YOUR experiment setup ideas

It's a live cohort, so we'll make room for your input on interesting experiments types & combinations.

Why this topic matters

Running more diversified experiments empowers us to answer a wider variety of questions.

You'll learn from

Jakub Linowski

Experimentation & Design Leader • GoodUI Founder | Coached ~100 Growth Teams

Jakub Linowski has been practicing UI Design (since ~2000) & designing experiments (since 2014). He ❤️ inspiring successful replications by growth and experimentation teams.

He also founded GoodUI.org as an active repository of experiments (with winning, flat and losing results) to separate the more generalizable UI, interaction and copy patterns from the more noisy and less predictable ones.

Over the years, Jakub has either been hired, interacted with, shared results, coached and/or learned from over 100 experimentation teams, including: Microsoft, Thomasnet, Booking, Backstage, Yummly, Elevate, Designlab, Reverb, VivaReal, ZAP, Volders, Rollbar, Kenhub, Expert Institute, Drip Agency, FINN, 3Dhub, Metro to name a few.

Jakub holds two design degrees, including a MSc in Design for Interaction (Delft, Netherlands).

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