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How to Cultivate Calm at Work

Hosted by Jonny Miller

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What you'll learn

Explore the 8 Barriers to Calm

Exploring the eight barriers to calm and how to skilfully work with them.

Learn the 3 Buckets of Self-Regulation

Understanding our two modes of reactivity and how to rewire maladaptive stress responses.

Practice If [This] Then [Breathe]

Two evidence-backed protocols for cultivating calm from anywhere.

Why this topic matters

Join this session to explore evidence-backed strategies for cultivating calm in stressful moments. We’ll be practicing two specific breathwork protocols for down-regulating the nervous system, as well as a group inquiry to explore what gets in the way of feeling calm and grounded.

You'll learn from

Jonny Miller

Founder of Nervous System Mastery & Coach for High Performing Leaders + Founders

Jonny is the founder of Nervous System Mastery and has spent thousands of cumulative hours researching, training & mentoring high-performers and professionals — from the CEO of a rocket-launch company to startup founders recovering from burnout as well as busy parents, early-stage entrepreneurs & fire-fighters.


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