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CPO Practice: Defusing a Controversial Decision

Hosted by Giff Constable

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What you'll learn

Shift opinion wars into productive conversations

I'll demonstrate how a financial model, when done and presented right, becomes a tool for collaboration and alignment.

Create alignment over big assumptions

We'll examine how a model helps you and others think through risks, assumptions, and possible future states.

Customize to the audience

We'll discuss how you would present something different to a peer vs CEO vs a Board.

Why this topic matters

So much of our job as CPO is guiding the company to make good decisions. We know how to use data, but what about when solid data doesn't exist? How can we keep an important decision from descending into loose intuition and politics? We're going to show how an outcomes model, designed for collaboration, is an incredibly useful tool for a product leader in this situation.

You'll learn from

Giff Constable

fmr CPO Meetup, CEO Neo Innovation, author

Giff Constable was the Chief Product Officer at Meetup, the CEO of Neo Innovation, and VP of Product and Engineering at Axial. He is the author of Talking to Humans and Testing with Humans, both core curriculum in university entrepreneurship and product programs around the world.

He has coached hundreds of actual and aspiring product leaders as both a practicing executive, on Maven, as a highly-rated teacher at NYU's Stern School of Business, and in private workshops to companies like Mayo Clinic, Priceline, Hearst, American Express, Steelcase, and many more.

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