Heaven Week


(16 ratings)


3 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

Establish an ecology of practices with friends of virtue.

Course overview

Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.

A beautifully intense 7 days where you take daily action on what matters most to you.

Who is this course for


Intellectuals with an overwhelming inbox of unpracticed insights.


Careerists who've succeeded in institutions at the expense of their own spirit.


Jaded victims of the meaning crisis looking for friendships of virtue.

Key outcomes

“Real artists ship.”

As Steve Jobs conveyed, putting your ideas into the world is an art unto itself. If you are facing ‘the resistance’ with a project and need a boost to launch, this experience is designed for you.

Get that annoying shit done.

Clear the deck of all those annoying tasks getting in the way of your most creative self.

Have the most productive week of your life.

Okay, the above statement is totally normie marketing bullshit, but if this is not the most productive week of your life, we are betting that it will be one of the most productive of your year.

Meet (and become) a friend of virtue

The lost skill of being a friend of virtue is something many of us deeply long for. In this course you will meet potential friends of virtue and lean into becoming one yourself.

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Heaven Week


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(16 ratings)

See what people are saying

        Peter and Daniel curated a transformative experience that not only invigorated my passion for self-work but taught me the power of the group journey, something woefully missing from our lives in this era of hyper-individualism and alienation.
Arran Rogerson

Arran Rogerson

Consultant and shadow work coach
        I think of BSD as an experience that trains skillfulness in making promises. By getting into integrity with your word, you can begin to play more honestly with the future. It really levelled me up in this domain, and got me through the resistance and lack of motivation that has stopped me from keeping my commitments in the past.
Raven Connolly

Raven Connolly

"Philosopher queen"
        BSD facilitated me changing my own life in a way that has stuck. So highly recommended. Peter and Daniel are a perfect duo for this work, and their warm brotherhood saturated their powerful system, creating an incredibly safe space for me to dig in deep. Love those guys and I cannot thank them enough.
Ari DeLashmutt

Ari DeLashmutt

Professional extreme sports athlete and filmmaker.

Meet your instructors

Peter Limberg (Founder of The Stoa)

Peter Limberg (Founder of The Stoa)

Peter is the founder and steward of The Stoa, a corona-born "hill on the noosphere."

Daniel Kazandjian (Philosophical Productivity Coach)

Daniel Kazandjian (Philosophical Productivity Coach)

Daniel is a Philosophical Productivity Coach with a background in product management and behavioural science.

He teaches overthinking high-achievers how to maximize their creative output while living well.

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Course syllabus


Practices for Thumos

Practice the things that will bring you a potent “get the fuck after it” energy into your life: early rising, cold showers, working out, etc.


Ecology of Practices

Methodically coordinate your life practices, negations, and creative habits in a mutually supportive dance. Avoid making needless trade-offs between health, family, and work.


Launch Your Thing

By the end of the course you will be launching something. It could be a podcast, a Substack, or even launching yourself out of a job with a resignation letter. Whatever it is, it has to be something where you risk being seen by others who have not seen you before.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can’t make a live session?

Do you offer discounts?

What is the course schedule?

I work full-time, what is the expected time commitment?

What’s the refund policy?

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Heaven Week


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