Start and Grow Your Small Business

3 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

How to leverage your professional experience and passion to start and grow a small business.

Course overview

Leverage your professional experience to start and grow a profitable business.

If you are a professional that has decided to start a small business we will work through a 6 step process to launch and grow your business. Whether you are retiring soon or mid-career and want to start a business that leverages your experiences, this course will provide you the framework to create a profitable business.

Who is this course for?


You are a mid-career professional working in the corporate world, but you are now ready to start and grow your own business.


Public Servants. If you are a teacher, nurse, fire fighter, police officer, government worker, etc I will help you build a small business.


You have retired, but you are not ready to stop working and want to start your own business. This cohort will help you.

What you’ll get out of this cohort based course:

Step 1: Leadership Development

You will develop a mission statement with critical actions to lead your business.

Step 2: Marketing Your Business

You will develop a marketing plan hyper-focused on your target audience.

Step 3: Sales Plan Creation

You will learn how to create a sales plan that actually solves a problem for your customers.

Step 4: Product Development

You will decide which products/services to offer and develop a plan to make sure they are profitable.

Step 5: Business Operations

You will learn how to streamline systems in your business to optimize profits.

Step 6: Manage Cash Flows

You will develop a system for making sure your business has the cash flow necessary for continuing operations.

What people are saying

        Throughout his career, he has willingly invested time, energy, and thought into creating environments where students, teachers, and teacher leaders have felt both encouraged and challenged. His leadership is marked by vision, prompting learners at all levels to see beyond what "has been" to what "could be."
Dr. Catherine Hill

Dr. Catherine Hill

        Carl always centers on the needs of the learner, focuses on the aspect of relevance both now and for the future, and applies design thinking to produce creative and impactful solutions to complex issues.
Elizabeth Deterra

Elizabeth Deterra

Meet your instructor

Carl McLendon

Carl McLendon

Who I Am

  • I am an educator with over 20 years as a teacher and administrator.
  • I am an entrepreneur with experience in multiple startups.
  • I am a small business owner.
  • I only work with small business.
  • I am a graduate of the McCombs Business School at the University of Texas.
  • I am a Business Made Simple Certified Business Coach who can help you.

Who You Are

  • You are ready to start a new business, or grow a side-hustle into a profitable business. 
  • You may not know where to start, or what you need to do to grow your business.
  • You don't need an expensive MBA, but you do need solid business frameworks to start and grow a profitable business. I can help you.


Growing a Profitable Business Doesn’t Have to be Complicated

I’ll guide you through each step to ensure you implement the disciplines needed for each key area of your business.

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Cohort Schedule


Week 1: Transform Yourself into a Business on a Mission

The most important thing a leader can do is provide a unifying vision for the business. The Business on a Mission Framework is going to help you create and communicate a vision that ensures the growth of your small business.


Week 2: Clarify Your Message

More than 700,000 small business owners have clarified their message using the StoryBrand Messaging Framework. When you clarify your message, more customers will place orders.


Week 3: Stop Selling, Make the Customer the Hero

Very few people like to sell. But if you own or lead a small business, you have to. The Customer is the Hero Sales Framework helps you stop selling and invite customers into a story. It’s the sales framework for people who hate to sell. And it works.


Week 4: Optimize Your Product Offering

Few business leaders really know where their profit is coming from.

After you optimize your product offering for profit, you will know exactly how to grow your bottom line revenue.


Week 5: Streamline Your Operation Systems and Processes

If you’re having trouble creating a predictable, reliable workflow that builds your company rather than burdens it, the Management and Productivity Made Simple Playbook will work for you.


Week 6: Manage Your Small Business Cash Flow

Learn how to manage your business cash flow with five accounts and you will have clarity and security as your business grows.

Cohort schedule

4-6 hours per week

  • Saturdays

    10:00am - 12:00pm EST

    Each week our small group cohort (maximum 12) will engage in active learning using the frameworks to introduce the concepts and then allow you to incorporate them into your business.

  • Weekly projects

    Up to 2 hours per week

    Each week you will need to complete any work not done during the small group sessions on your own time.

  • Office Hours

    Wednesdays 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST

    I will host weekly office hour to answer any questions or discuss anything related to your project for that week.

  • Ongoing Supports

    I will provide additional supports for you after the cohort is completed:

    • You can join our community for FREE to meet others like you with hosted monthly events.
    • As your business grows you can engage in deeper work with small group and 1:1 coaching.

Learning is better with cohorts

Learning is better with cohorts

Active hands-on learning

This course builds on live workshops and hands-on projects in a small-group cohort of no more than 12 participants.

Interactive and project-based

You’ll be interacting with other learners through breakout rooms and project teams

Learn with a cohort of peers

Join a community of like-minded people who want to learn and grow alongside you

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can’t make a live session?

I work full-time, what is the expected time commitment?

What’s the refund policy?

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Start and Grow Your Small Business

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