Impactful Customer Conversations

2 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

Learn to run successful story-based interviews and make data-driven decisions using the insights

Course overview

Don't just talk to customers, feel confident you're making the most of insights

Think you don't have time to talk with customers, or that "doing research" takes too long? Not sure you're asking the right questions? Or you've talked with customers but not seen action from those insights? It all sounds overwhelming so it seems easier to just go with your gut?

I get it. But it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to be a career researcher to learn the foundational skills that help you have successful conversations with customers. Since 2010, I've taught countless people to do just that.

This is a 10-hour highly interactive, live, hands-on course.

What we'll do

I'll share key info that will make your interviews a success. You'll work in small groups to create an interview plan, run interviews, synthesize the raw interview input into actionable insights, and create a plan to put those insights into action. I'll be with you every step of the way.

What you'll get

You'll walk away knowing how to run successful customer interviews, and how to make the insights actionable through practice in real time.

Bonus: This isn't a workshop about AI tools, but we'll touch on how to use AI to your advantage throughout the research process. Let the bots do what they're good at (hint: it's not interviewing customers) so you're free to make human connections and do big-picture thinking with insights.

Who is this course for


You're a designer, PM, engineer, or other non-UXRer seeking confidence in gathering quality customer insights to make informed decisions.


You manage designers, PMs, engineers, and want to ensure your team knows how to get actionable customer insights and make informed decisions


You've run a lot of interviews but want to see more action from the results

What you’ll get out of this course

Learn what we mean by "quality" insights and how to get them

We'll dive deep into common challenges, like asking leading questions or asking customers to predict future behavior, and what you can do instead. Learn to run story-based interviews and see real examples of interviews done right—and wrong.

Craft a foolproof interview plan

Align research with OKRs and KPIs. Learn how to get your team on board from the start, to make insights-driven decisions later. Identify the right participants and craft unbiased interview questions for maximum impact.

Run interviews

Get confident in your ability to have customer conversations by practicing interview skills in real time, in the safe space of our workshop. Work through constructive feedback with other attendees. You'll work in small groups and practice several rounds of interviews.

Make the insights actionable

Go from what you saw/heard during research to an action plan. Prioritize highest impact insights, find opportunities, develop “how might we” explorations, generate hypotheses and decide what to test. Learn to measure, track, and share post-launch impact.

AMA to address remaining questions

At the end of the workshops, ask Carol any outstanding questions during a final 1-hour live AMA, or asynchronously through the student portal. This is a great way to wrap up your knowledge and be sure you know how to move what you learned into your day-to-day work.

Templates and links to resources

You'll leave this course with templates for: sample unbiased interview questions, a step-by-step process to go from what customers said to opportunities and an action plan, a 2-page interview plan, and 2-page final summary.

This course includes

5 interactive live sessions

Lifetime access to course materials

14 in-depth lessons

Direct access to instructor

Projects to apply learnings

Guided feedback & reflection

Private community of peers

Course certificate upon completion

Maven Satisfaction Guarantee

This course is backed by Maven’s guarantee. You can receive a full refund within 14 days after the course ends, provided you meet the completion criteria in our refund policy.

Course syllabus

Expand all modules
  • Week 1

    Sep 23—Sep 29


    • Sep


      Session 1: Impactful customer conversations

      Mon, Sep 23, 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM UTC

    • Sep


      Session 2: Impactful customer conversations

      Wed, Sep 25, 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM UTC


    • Session 1: Create a plan for successful interviews

    • Session 2: Run interviews

    • Session 3: Synthesize what we heard and saw during interviews into insights

    • Session 4: Make the insights actionable

  • Week 2

    Sep 30—Oct 4


    • Sep


      Session 3: Impactful customer conversations

      Mon, Sep 30, 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM UTC

    • Oct


      Session 4: Impactful customer conversations

      Wed, Oct 2, 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM UTC

    • Oct


      Session 5: Optional AMA with Carol

      Fri, Oct 4, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC

  • Bonus


    • Session 5: Optional AMA with Carol

What people are saying

        At Edmunds, Carol created a framework to train people across the organization to do their own research to generate first hand empathy, learning, and extend the reach of UXR, deepened our understanding of our most valuable customers, and conducted generative research informing product innovations that increased quality lead conversions by 40%.


VP of Customer Success at Altruist

Meet your instructor

Carol Rossi

Carol Rossi

With 25+ years of experience, I’ve led research teams focused on vision and strategy, brand retention and building, and user experience metrics. I led the research team at NerdWallet from a focus on tactical one-off studies to strategic impact. I established research best practices and teams at Kelley Blue Book and Edmunds. Through the 2000s, I ran a consultancy where I worked with companies like Hulu, Citibank, Belkin, GeoCities, Symantec, and Yahoo!

After 14 years leading teams in-house, I returned to consulting in 2022. I provide UX Research leadership for orgs that want their research practice to have maximum impact, but have no internal research leadership that can provide the guidance to get them there.

I developed a program like this at Edmunds and NerdWallet to train scores of designers, PMs, engineers, product marketing managers, and others, to successfully collect their own customer insights. Now, years later, I still hear from former colleagues how valuable this work was to their careers.

A pattern of wavy dots

Join an upcoming cohort

Impactful Customer Conversations

September 2024



Sep 23—Oct 4, 2024

Payment Deadline

Sep 22, 2024

Don't miss out! Enrollment closes in 6 days


Bulk purchases

Free resource

Keys to Impactful Customer Conversations

In this course, we'll dive deep into what separates superficial customer coffee chats from truly impactful conversations based in curiosity and learning customer needs. Here's an overview of the key elements.

Get this free article

Learning is better with cohorts

Learning is better with cohorts

Active hands-on learning

This course builds on live workshops and hands-on projects

Interactive and project-based

You’ll be interacting with other learners through breakout rooms and project teams

Learn with a cohort of peers

Join a community of like-minded people who want to learn and grow alongside you

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can’t make a live session?

What’s the refund policy?

How do I get reimbursed by my employer?

Is there alternative/inclusive pricing?

A pattern of wavy dots

Join an upcoming cohort

Impactful Customer Conversations

September 2024



Sep 23—Oct 4, 2024

Payment Deadline

Sep 22, 2024

Don't miss out! Enrollment closes in 6 days


Bulk purchases


6 days left to enroll