The HireEd Interviewing Playbook

9 Days


Cohort-based Course

You have what it takes to master interviewing. Learn essential frameworks, tactics, and expert behavior with our Playbook.

Course overview

Hire top talent. Level up your career.

Finding and winning over amazing colleagues is incredibly rewarding. Being involved in hiring should be one of the best parts of your job.

Too often, interviews are seen as a chore, a distraction from your actual work.

Maybe you keep finding yourself unprepared, haphazardly being tossed into rooms with candidates. Interview decisions seem to be made based on frivolous factors or gut feel, rather than well-formed criteria.

It doesn't have to be like this.

With the right frameworks, tools, and tactics, you can gain confidence in your hiring approach, hire fantastic new teammates, and position yourself as a powerful leader.

Who is this course for


You are currently conducting candidate interviews at your company.


You consistently feel unprepared, frustrated and/or unsupported as you step into interviews.


You want to be a leader who can confidently conduct interviews, assess competencies, and support decisionmaking for great hires.

Key Outcomes

Build the best freakin' team possible

  • Create a world-class team by accurately assessing and winning over top talent
  • Cure the headache of hiring and find delight in your candidate conversations

Makeover your interviewing approach

  • Put efficiency at the forefront, reducing time needed for prep and debriefs
  • Learn repeatable systems that create a great candidate experience while getting to the heart of a candidate's experience
  • Subtle sales tactics that sound natural to close that unicorn candidate

Effectively evaluate talent and minimize biases

  • Structured guides and strategies to eliminate last-minute scrambling and remove the guesswork
  • Live demos + frameworks + practice to help you become aware of and overcome biases that get in the way of equal opportunity

Reap the rewards of your influence

  • Position yourself for promotions & bonuses by transforming into an expert interviewer
  • Implement critical skills that you'll use for the rest of your career

A rigorous, yet practical curriculum

A rigorous, yet practical curriculum

Crafted by experts, to help YOU

Let's face it. Interviewing is no one's full time job.

That means you don’t have the time to figure out Interviewing from first principles.

No sweat – we’ll give you the education + templates + cheat sheets on what works and what to avoid, so you can focus on bringing on the awesome new teammates.

What people say about HireEd

        There is no BS in this course. Each day is rigorously structured with interactive case studies, play-by-play tactics, and actionable frameworks.
Kevin L.

Kevin L.

        Of the many, many cohort-based courses I've done, this was by far the best facilitated. I've recommended it to so many people.
Thenuka K.

Thenuka K.

        I use the learnings from this course every day. The startup world NEEDS this!
Jasmine G.

Jasmine G.

Recruiting Manager
        From communication to the content, every part of this course was engaging and invigorating. This course brings the humanity back into recruiting.
Meredith G.

Meredith G.

        This course helped bring structure to hiring to my team, and champion a shared commitment to truly excellent hiring. 
Quintonn H.

Quintonn H.

        This should be required curriculum for every startup.
Ryo C.

Ryo C.


This course is not for...

This course is not for...

HR Compliance

The Playbook helps you strategically level up, not just appease HR requirements. Rather than what you’re NOT allowed to do, the Playbook is for ambitious leaders ready to do more.

Beginner Interviewers and the basics 

The foundations are important (basic listening, note-taking, etc), but this intermediate skills course is for leveling those who have already been interviewing candidates – who know they still have a lot to learn, and are excited about the challenge! 

Recruiters/Hiring Managers

Interviewers have 2 main responsibilities: conducting interviews and assisting in decision-making.

Recruiters + Hiring Managers –

those actually in charge of crafting the process and making said decisions – are invited to check out courses designed specifically for you at!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the HireEd System™?

What is the expected time commitment?

How long do I have access to the course material?

How do I get budget approval from my company to attend?

What happens if I can’t make a live session?

Meet your instructors

Jennifer Kim

Jennifer Kim

CEO/Founder of Workflow, providing Courses + Consulting + Community on People/Talent to the next generation of top startups.

Workflow's flagship program is HireEd Accelerator, a hiring training course which was the first of its kind. Jen is also a Venture Capitalist on the side, and was a Head of People/Advisor to many recognizable startups. Tech twitter personality @jenistyping.

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The HireEd Interviewing Playbook


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Course syllabus


Day 1

Unlearn assumptions, and start building systems

  1. The power of the interviewer role
  2. Plan for success : questions to ask, frameworks to use


Day 2

Establish relevance 

  1. Guiding the candidate conversation
  2. What to listen for in a great answer


Optional Workshop

A deeper dive into behavioral interviewing, writing great questions, and listening for content


Day 3

Finding depth 

  1. The CAR Framework and how to use it
  2. Matching the right candidate with the right role


Day 4

Growing as a leader

  1. Collaborative decisionmaking
  2. Positioning your skills and influence

Course schedule

4-5 hours per week, 9 in total

  • Wednesday & Thursday

    9am - 11am Pacific

    4 classes over 2 weeks, spanning 4 key topics to build your interviewing skills to an expert level.

    • Reusable frameworks that support the interview flow
    • Tactics to overcome common friction points
    • Live demonstrations of best practices and skills in action
  • Deep Dive Sessions

    1 hour per week

    Bonus workshops to practice and expand on class material; volunteer your challenges and get solutions in realtime

Free resource

In-Depth Syllabus

Maybe you're curious about content specifics, or want to make a business case to your leadership on which skills our course will uplevel. Check out the details, and email us at with any questions!

Show me the Syllabus

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The HireEd Interviewing Playbook


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