Get Your Happy Kid Back

Cohort-based Course

Learn how to use empathy, agency, and fun to build meaningful connection and get your happy kid back.

Course overview

Are you worried about your teen and want a better relationship?

Your kids are glued to their screens and won’t come out of their rooms.

They speak in monosyllables.

We can help you fix that.

Get ready for less eye rolls and more high fives. Fewer snarky comments and more hanging out in the backyard.

This course is for you if...


You long for the good old days when your kid was happy and easy.


You envy other parents who seem to have a great relationship with their kid.


You want to build a great relationship with your kid that will last a lifetime.

In just 10 days you will...

Identify the behaviors, words, and attitudes that are undermining your relationship and practice methods to overcome them.

Learn the techniques that the most successful parents use to connect with their kids and apply them to your family to build a powerful bond that will last a lifetime. 

Discover how to create opportunities that increase your child’s feeling of belonging by showing empathy, giving agency, and having fun. 

Design a personalized step by step plan for growing your heart-centered relationship with your kids. 

Parents we work with are saying....

        I put your wisdom to use right away. I invited my son to join us for lunch after his class. And, he joined in. We enjoyed almost an hour of great conversation in the backyard.


        I got my kid back. Thank you so much! She was showing signs of isolation and depression, but now she engages with us more. She asks to watch movies together. She comes down for dinner. She even helps clean up!


        Our walk yesterday was fabulous. My son walked with me over 3 miles, which he wanted to stop halfway. However, the conversation was so good he stayed with me walking in the rain. This brings me so much joy! Your guidance is so helpful!


        Being a part of this Parenting Mastermind has been such a tremendous value to me and my family. There is such value in being in a community of parents whose main goal is to grow and nurture strong children.


        The saying that it takes a village to raise a child is so true, and this Parenting on Purpose village is a great asset to my family. I look forward to our meetings every week. It has come to the point where everyone in the group feels like family. We laugh together, cry together, and win together every week.


        She used to not like (my S.O.) and now she accepts and embraces him fully. Their relationship is good and getting stronger every day. I can't thank you enough.


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Get Your Happy Kid Back

Meet your instructors

Catherine Lynch and Glenn Collins Co-founders, 3 Pillars Parent

Catherine Lynch and Glenn Collins Co-founders, 3 Pillars Parent

Hi. We’re Catherine and Glenn. We’re the proud parents of 5 great kids we adopted as teens from Guatemala.

We’re also parent coaches who are passionate about helping parents better connect with their kids. We help them rediscover the joy, pride, and satisfaction that comes from having a great relationship with their kids.

Catherine learned to lead, motivate, and connect with kids at Outward Bound, where she spent seven years leading wilderness expeditions for teens and young adults. 

Under the most challenging conditions, she mastered the ability of quickly forging connections with kids she’d met only a short time before. She helped them find their strengths, challenge their limits, and discover they could achieve more than they ever imagined. 

Glenn’s background is in physics and project management. He is a wiz at systems, planning, and organization (And every good parent-child relationship needs a bit of solid planning.😉)

For the last 2 years we’ve led parenting masterminds where we’ve guided (and learned from) a diverse group of parents as they’ve forged better relationships with their kids.

Get Your Happy Kid Back is a distillation of the most important concepts we’ve learned about having a great relationship with your kid. 

Join us if you’re ready to get your get your happy kid back!

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Get Your Happy Kid Back

A pattern of wavy dots

Your relationship with your teen can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be painful.

Luckily, rebuilding your relationship isn't rocket science.

We know how to do it and we'll show you how.

Creating Connections

Creating Connections

After getting married and adopting our kids, we had to create a family from all the different personalities we’d brought together.

Connecting with our new teens was tough, especially without those early years of snuggling to fall back on. They already had well developed identities, values, and world views. Our efforts to connect quickly showed us the gaps in our parenting skills! 

It took all of our combined skills - and more! - to bridge the gaps and create the connections that would make us a family.

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When your kids are out on their own and can choose who to spend time with, will your relationship be strong enough that they choose you?

A great relationship with your kid...

A great relationship with your kid...

Puts the joy back into being a parent.

Reduces conflict and makes everyday life so much easier.

Makes you kid want to spend time with you.

Means they're more likely to adopt your values.

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Get Your Happy Kid Back

Course syllabus


Lay the foundation.

  • A great parent-child relationship is built on the feelings of love, liking, belonging, trust, respect, and connection. 
  • What really counts is how much your kid feels these good feelings. 
  • You’ll learn how to create interactions that help your kid have more of these powerful good feelings, and less of the bad ones.


Build a bridge to their heart.

  • Empathy lies at the heart of your ability to connect with your kid.
  • Without empathy it’s almost impossible to build a deeper level of connection.
  • You’ll learn to recognize opportunities to show empathy and practice expressing it while staying true to your values.


Empower your kid.

  • Most parent-teen conflict stems from the struggle over who’s in charge of their life. You, or them?
  • Giving more agency decreases conflict, while increasing trust, respect, and connection. It also prepares them for adult life as a grown up!
  • You’ll create a decision-making checklist to help you decide if, when, and how much autonomy to give them.


Supercharge your relationship.

  • Fun is usually way down the priority list, but it’s the antidote to all those important but un-fun conversations you have to have with your kids.
  • If you're all serious all the time, your kids will avoid you.
  • Learn how to add fun back into your relationship to create the conditions that make them want to spend time with you.
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Get Your Happy Kid Back

Learning is better with a group of like-minded parents

Learning is better with a group of like-minded parents

It’s active, not passive

This course focuses on live workshops with hands-on learning, not pre-recorded videos. You'll be actively engaged with the instructors and other participants during open discussions, breakout rooms, and group activities.

You'll be learning alongside a cohort of peers

You’ll be learning, practicing, and interacting with other parents who have similar challenges and goals. Hearing how they’ve approached an obstacle often sparks ideas for how you can make progress with your own issues.

You'll be part of a community

Improving the relationship with your kid can be tough and parents often feel isolated, but in this course you won’t be alone. You'll be part of a supportive community of like-minded parents who encourage you, share their perspectives, and help you overcome your challenges - and you'll do the same for them. Everyone grows together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Course schedule

3-6 hours per week

  • September 2022

  • Week 1

    Monday Orientation & meet your classmates 7-8 PM (optional)

    Tuesday Class 12-1:30 PM EST and 7-8:30 PM*

    Wednesday Office hour 7-8 PM (optional)

    Thursday Class 12-1:30 PM and 7-8:30 PM*

    Friday Office hour 12-1 PM (optional)

  • Week 2

    Monday Q&A 7-8 PM (optional)

    Tuesday Class 12-1:30 PM EST and 7-8:30 PM*

    Wednesday office hours 7-8 PM (optional)

    Thursday Class 12-1:30 PM and 7-8:30 PM*

    Friday office hour 12-1 PM (optional)

  • *Note: The content of the evening class is the same as the morning class. We offer it at different times to make it accessible to parents with different schedules or in different time zones.

  • **Note: Bonus sessions dates and times will be announced before class begins. These will include small group discussions, exercises, Q&A, role playing, and anything else you want/need more of!