The 28 Day Breakthrough


(6 ratings)


5 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

Be more productive than ever before in 28 days, or your money back! 110% money-back guarantee! No breakthrough – I pay you!*

Course overview

From stuck and overwhelm to on-demand habit cultivation for any goal!

Life is dynamic and chaotic.

It's common to feel lost, stuck, directionless, and confused.

Career, job changes, relationship changes, divorce, health challenges... etc.

Situations that make us feel like we've hit "rock bottom" are often the foundation needed for real transformation and breakthrough!


For well over a decade my coaching, instruction, and content have impacted lives... hundreds of thousands of lives (directly and indirectly: books, apps, podcast)

I do not share that to impress you.

I only share that to assure you that you're not wasting your time or money.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, (right here and upfront), this cohort is


You have ZERO risk.

The real question is:

Do you really want to grow and transform?

Do you really want to put in the effort?

Most people do not.

We're naturally wired for comfort and stasis.

The reason that becomes a challenge is change is one of the great constants in life.

Thus, personal growth (new skills and habits) demands effort.


You're still with me? Great. Read on.

Seeing and hearing countless success stories has taught me a few basic lessons.

I know why some people break through and others do not.

The good news is it's almost always a few basic, dare I say, simple mindset shifts.

That, and of course, the cultivation of new habits and skills.

That's it.

Now you're saying, "Right! Creating new habits is tough!"

Yes. It's tough when you don't have a proven method to follow or a plan.

Hit or miss strategies for behavior change are just that, hit or miss.

The good news is that the practices I teach are now scientifically-backed by multiple studies.


Now, some quick irony and a short story for you:

The ONLY reason The Habit Factor® exists is because I struggled with my own goals.


That's right. I can clearly recall the frustration – even anger that I felt.

It really seemed like I was wasting valuable time and money on books, courses, and seminars that did little if anything to help me.

NONE of those investments taught me what I'm about to teach you and, frankly, it's game-changing.


The point of sharing that ☝️ is this program offers far more than the contents of The Habit Factor® alone (which alone would be well worth the investment).

In this cohort, we'll cover the very best, most powerful content and exercises from ALL 3 books spanning fifteen-plus years!



BTW: **Sponsorships Available:: If you don't have the money for the cohort. You can apply for a sponsorship.

Who is this course for


You're a busy professional looking to optimize your effectiveness!


You're stuck. You've tried habit cultivation strategies before and nothing worked. You get excited, then get sidetracked easily.


You struggle with procrastination. You want proven strategies and methods to improve discipline and focus.


You're seeking clarity and direction. You believe in the importance of goal setting but feel unsure about what goals to set for yourself.


You've had a difficult time achieving your most important goals. You're seeking a better method for goal achievement.


You want to learn from a renowned innovator in the behavior change arena (15+ yrs). A no B.S., no jargon guy who will simplify the process.

What you’ll get out of this course


It's tough to hit a target you can't see. But, how do you know which goals to go after? Simply put, it's been said that clarity accounts for upwards of 85% of success.


When it comes to achieving your most important goals, momentum is a crucial ingredient. Learn how to get and keep momentum going every day!


After all, without tangible results how are you to know if this program is working? Each essential module provides you with immediate results!

Expert instruction on goal achievement and habit development

Learn once then apply these lessons (forever) to any and all of your most important goals.

Improve Confidence

As Adrian wrote to me after achieving a huge, breakthrough goal, "Now I know I can achieve whatever I put my mind to! The best part is I've inspired others!"

Develop discipline

Discipline is really a habit and I teach a process that creates "painless discipline."

Improve Focus

What's the difference between concentration and focus? How does one aid the other?

Time management

Learn this simple key to effectively managing your time. This process seems to create time!

Improve productivity

Productivity is a byproduct of one's approach – their methodology. Learn how to cultivate habits and skills on demand.

Habit cessation

Learn how to break bad habits that are holding you back!

Proven process for habit and skill cultivation

Apply this methodology any time you need to cultivate a new habit or skill!!

Course syllabus


Week #1: Meta-Cognition & Mindset, STORY, Overthinking & The "Three Circles of Behavior Change Echo-System" or "Grunburg Behavior Model"

• Why most intelligent people overthink

• How STORY is the primary means for narrative imaging

• Finding "right thought."

• The difference between failure and success. It's not what you think.

• Overthinking and health issues; stress, anxiety, etc

• Meditation & Mantras

"The more you overthink, the less you do."

~ Wayne Dyer


Week #2: Clarity. Purpose & Direction

• Clarity: Why lack of clarity is the greatest source of frustration, misplaced anger, disappointment, and confusion.

• Exercises to establish direction, clarity and purpose

• Goal identification

• Balance

• Values

"The world makes way for the person who knows where they are going." ~Emerson


Week #3: GOALS: Intelligence in Action!

• Goals: What real intelligence is.

• Where direction and purpose come from

• What supersedes motivation

• Where news skills, habits, and growth come from

• Accomplishments and contribution

"If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else." ~Yogi Berra


Week #4: Habits and Self Efficacy

• P.A.R.R. Method for on-demand habit cultivation

• Habitstrength™ and how to kill any bad habit

• The essence of self-efficacy

• The key to the habits and goals relationship

• What discipline really is and how to create it with limited effort

"All men's natures are alike, it's their habits that carry them far apart."


Bonus Tools & Resources


The Model for Effectiveness and Personal Transformation

The 3 Circles of Behavior Echo-System or Grunburg Behavior Model.


Discipline & Regret


Concentration & Focus


(6 ratings)

What students are saying

What people are saying

        Martin is a remarkably interesting person who has an enormous message to share designed to teach and help you to become better. The Habit Factor® is powerful, practical and it's certain to super-charge your success!
Brian Tracy, Author

Brian Tracy, Author

Bestselling Author and Personal Development Icon, Author of over 57 Books
        "My hands still remember the little exercise you had them do. Wow. Cool. So be it. Whatever you need. Brilliant! Whether you read The Habit Factor® for yourself or your business — just read it!
Micheal Gerber, Author E-Myth Revisited

Micheal Gerber, Author E-Myth Revisited

Time Magazine Top 25 Business Books of All-Time
        Martin's habit methodology is special and more importantly, it works! It's helped me personally and professionally. I also knew it would help me help my clients to bridge their physical play with their mental game. That's why I become a Certified Habit Factor Professional."
Rick Sessinghaus Psy.D.

Rick Sessinghaus Psy.D.

PGA Championship Coach, Golf's Mental Coach, Certified Habit Factor Professional
        "I know this space very well. Martin may be the best kept secret in the world of behavior change."
Glenn R. Fox Ph.D.

Glenn R. Fox Ph.D.

Neuroscientist & Professor USC
        "I have gained valuable insights from Martin's work! We now teach change your story, change your habits, change your life!"
Dr. Peter Chee

Dr. Peter Chee

ITD World, CEO & Founder a Multinational Professional Coaching & Training Company
        As a behavioral scientist, I find The Habit Factor's method stands alone for its innovative positioning—reinforcing the concepts of Planning, Tracking (practice) & Reassessment—while distancing itself from the long-held and widely accepted Cue Routine Reward, 'Habit-Loop'!"
Holly Green

Holly Green

Behavioral Scientist, Business Leader & Best-Selling Author
        When you commit to these insightful lessons, you will forever avoid mediocrity and relish in a life of sweet success. Give yourself this gift!
Anthony F. Smith

Anthony F. Smith

Author and Founder Leadership Research Institute
        I can't put it any more simply; THIS is GREAT STUFF! Important information taught in a very practical way! A HOMERUN in the helpful department. "
Michael M.

Michael M.

Professional Finance Investment Director
        Martin is a great teacher, mentor, and coach. Thank you!"
Megan Cohen Trezza

Megan Cohen Trezza

CEO, Founder La Jolla Learning Works
        The ability to cultivate new habits on demand is powerful. The Habit Factor® methodology is an absolute GAME-CHANGER!
Jon Carder

Jon Carder

Ultra Serial Entrepreneur, Built and sold multiple 7 Figure Companies

Meet your instructor

Martin Grunburg

Martin Grunburg

Prior to developing and authoring The Habit Factor®, Martin co- founded a couple of technology companies. As former founder/COO, he’s been nominated twice for the Entrepreneur of the Year award (Ernst & Young) and has twice led his company to win the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics. 

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The 28 Day Breakthrough


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Course schedule

1-3 Hours per Week

  • LIVE Thursdays 1 PM (PST)

    1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (PST)

    Tuesday's class reveals prework and explains exercises. Tuesdays calls are recorded and approx .5 hr.

    Thursday calls are LIVE, at least one hour, to review course material, prework, and exercises plus Q & A.

    Thursdays: 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31

  • Tuesday's prework and a recorded message

    Anytime of day

    Check-in each Tuesday, review your weekly synopsis, pre-work, and listen to a recording of the week ahead.

    Tuesdays: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29

  • New Content & Experiments Each Week!

    "All life is an experiment; the more experiments you make, the better." ~Emerson

  • 28-Day Breakthrough is 4 Weeks!

    Begins 8/8 Ends 8/31!

Learning is better with cohorts

Learning is better with cohorts

Active hands-on learning

This course builds on live workshops and hands-on projects

Interactive and project-based

You’ll be interacting with other learners through breakout rooms and project teams

Learn with a cohort of peers

Join a community of like-minded people who want to learn and grow alongside you

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can’t make a live session?

I work full-time, what is the expected time commitment?

What’s the refund policy?

Can I just read The Habit Factor® and save the money?

How can I apply for that sponsorship?

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The 28 Day Breakthrough


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