How to accelerate your career as a newcomer in Canada

10 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

Professional skills mapping, build personal portfolio, networking as an introvert, resume reviews and Interview preparation.

Course overview

You will start viewing challenges as new opportunities.

New immigrants in Canada, face challenges like inadequate language skills, credential recognition issues, and not having a network, this course will help you overcome these challenges not only with actionable insights but also get a peer group support.

You will benefit from this course, if


You are an international student or a new immigrants and looking for a job in Canada


You are unsure of the skills that you should acquire to navigate your career journey


You need a community of peers to work along side you and help with accountability

Key outcomes

Map of your strengths, skills and goals

This is a working session where you will map your passion & profession with life goals. You will have an evergreen career roadmap.

Create your funnel of opportunities

This session will help you with tips, and outreach templates to turn a new contact into a meaningful connection.

Portfolio and resume reviews

You will learn how recruiters work, and what they look for in a resume, and creative ways to get a recruiter or hiring manager's attention.

Peer Community of Newcomers

This is a small cohort of newcomers and you will meet 9 other students who are at your similar stage to support one-another on this journey.

Meet your instructor

Vartika Manasvi

Vartika Manasvi

Entrepreneur and Human Potential Coach

2x Tech Entrepreneur with 15 years of experience, Human Potential Coach, Angel Investor, and a Generalist. Sought after advisor for entrepreneurs around the world. Currently Director, Startups, MaRS Discovery District. Previously, Entrepreneur in Residence, NVIDIA. Written 1000's of resumes for executives around the world in the last 17 years, and helped over 300 tech professionals land their dream jobs or get a promotion!

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How to accelerate your career as a newcomer in Canada

Course syllabus (Half-Revealed)


Is my Resume Good?

How to write a effective resume and showcase your skills


My Target Companies

Build a list of target companies and a outreach strategy to network your way into that organization


Network in Networking

How to speak with strangers and ask for favors without coming across as needy or intimidating. How to use your friends to land your dream job


Habits, Action, and Focus

How to navigate change and growth in your career consistently


1:1 Mentorship

You will be assigned a mentor who will help in every aspect of your job search process.

More about the Instructor

Vartika is a serial entrepreneur and ecosystem connector who demonstrates the courage to fail.
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How to accelerate your career as a newcomer in Canada

Learning is better with cohorts

Learning is better with cohorts

Active learning, not passive watching

This course builds on live workshops and hands-on projects

Interactive and project-based

You’ll be interacting with other learners through breakout rooms and project teams

Learn with a cohort of peers

Join a community of like-minded people who want to learn and grow alongside you

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can’t make a live session?
I work full-time, what is the expected time commitment?
What’s the refund policy?
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How to accelerate your career as a newcomer in Canada

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