5 Weeks
·Cohort-based Course
For any teacher trying to be at least 5% better at cultivating student motivation in their classroom this year.
5 Weeks
·Cohort-based Course
For any teacher trying to be at least 5% better at cultivating student motivation in their classroom this year.
Course overview
The Student Motivation Summit is a 1-day virtual workshop and private community for anyone who wants to positively affect student motivation in their work as a classroom educator in 2022-2023.
Classroom teachers looking to produce more learning with less stress in classrooms of all content areaes.
Teams of teachers wanting to develop a shared fire for the work of teaching and a shared language for discussions around student motivation.
School leaders who are hearing from all their teachers that student engagement and motivation are their biggest challenges right now.
Begin the year smart
The best way to get pumped about teaching is to do things in your classroom that make a tangible difference. I want you to end this year excited for the next one. I want this month's breakthroughs to fuel next fall's forward progress in your career.
Focus on what you can control
Lots of times we get "stuck" with student motivation troubles by viewing them as immovable, "Kids these days" kinds of obstacles. The five key beliefs methodology helps us get WAY past that frustration.
Get clearer on Everest
There's plenty I'm average at, but one thing I can promise is that if you engage with this workshop you'll be generously reminded of the great goodness and nobility in being an educator -- even in times like these, even in societies like ours.
Leave with practical methods for improving high leverage beliefs in the final weeks of school
I'll focus our learning on questions and concepts specific to the volitional realities of the final weeks of school. Our focus beliefs will be Credibility, Value, and Effort.
Let's Read My Book Together
Lindsay Luetje
Dr. John Tanner
LoWan Brown
Sean Daigle
In the past calendar year, I've led PD for over 4,000 educators in dozens of states and 3 countries. But believe it or not, I live a fairly quiet life as a husband, father, and teacher in a small town.
I credit countless mentors for my ability to do this work with sanity and effectiveness. In this course, I want to share with you the approach to student motivation that has made all the difference in my life and in the lives of a thousand or so educators around the world.
The basics
the Credibility belief
Does teacher credibility matter at the end of a school year? Oh heck yes it does!
Can it be affected so late in the game? You bet.
In this segment we'll focus on specific methods for signaling Care, Competence, and Passion in the final weeks of school
the Value belief
"C'mon, Mr. Stuart -- there are only a few weeks left. Do we really have to read and annotate this article?"
In this segment, we'll focus on specific methods for signaling with the Rainbow of Why during the final weeks of school.
(This one is really fun because the final weeks are laden with potential for leaving our Value mark with students!)
the Effort belief
An often-missed aspect of the Effort belief is that none of us have arrived yet. To put it into the language of one of my classroom posters, we are "never finished."
In this segment, we'll examine methods for helping students put forth effective effort in the final weeks of school.
Independent Study / Application
As a member of this course, you get a complimentary license to the Student Motivation Course ($199 value). In the course, I've created 35+ asynchronous video lessons for teachers on the five key beliefs.
The course is just one of several options participants can pursue during the independent portion of our day.
(Optional) Happy Hour w/ Colleagues
Grab your favorite cup or glass and let's discuss anything that's on your mind re: student motivation.
Want feedback on what you're specifically planning to work on during the final weeks of school? This is the place for that.
1 day
Whole Group
Live Session: 9:00a - 12:00p EST
In this segment, I'll lead us in an interactive workshop on items 01 through 04 in the syllabus above.
Independent Study / Application Time
Independent Session: 12:00p - 4:30p EST
This is time and space to make the morning's ideas
Optional: Happy Hour w/ Colleagues
Live Session: 4:30p - 5:30p EST
Get feedback on your application work and ask Dave any questions that didn't get answered during the live sessions earlier in the day.
Active, not passive
This course focuses on a live workshop and hands-on application projects
Learn with a cohort of peers
You’ll be learning in public through breakout rooms and an engaged community
Learn with a cohort of peers
Surround yourself with like-minded people who want to grow alongside you
Sign up to be the first to know about course updates.