Advanced Framer


(5 ratings)


5 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

No code doesn't mean no complexity.

Course overview

Get over the hump and learn how to build your own ideas.

Building something basic is easy. Building what you want is where things get tricky.

Get the tools to build anything by putting together a high quality site from start to finish.

You need this course if you are:


A freelancer who needs the confidence to build anything your clients need.


Moving your company's large content rich site to Framer


A startup looking to grab attention with a super slick landing page.


Building a personal portfolio that stands out from the template crowd.

What you’ll get out of this course

A deep understanding of Layout and Motion

You'll understand how to build dynamic and complex layouts that leverage Framer's powerful but quirky motion engine.

Content at scale

A site is nothing without content! You'll learn how to use Framer’s CMS (Content Management System) in combination with your designs.

Go beyond Framer's functionality

Learn how to use Code Overrides and Code Components to open up new possibilities beyond Framer's UI.

Integrations! Integrations! Integrations!

Learn how to take your site to the next level by integrating tools like Spline, for 3D, and Rive for advanced animations.

Course syllabus



Learn tactics for creating complex layouts by building a production grade website from scratch.

By the end of this module, you’ll have a suite of dynamic and high-quality components you can remix into your own sites.


  • Advanced Layout
  • Component Structure
  • Theming
  • Variables & Events



Push beyond the limits of Framer’s interface to create stunning interactive visuals.

By the end of this module, you’ll have the tools to build custom components that you could even sell on Framer’s marketplace.


  • Advanced Motion
  • 3D with Spline
  • Animations with Rive
  • Code Overrides
  • Code Components
  • AI + Framer.



Manage complexity at scale by learning strategies for creating large content driven sites.

By the end of this module, you’ll understand what it takes to launch a professional website to production.


  • CMS Structure
  • SEO & Accessibility
  • Performance Gotchas
  • Custom Analytics


(5 ratings)

What people are saying

        If you're looking to level up your Framer skills, learn vastly more efficient approaches while peeking under the hood of code components and overrides, this is the best course around. Dan guides you through the syllabus using diagrams and visual-aids to leave you feeling like fuzzy concepts have suddenly become crystal clear.


        Dan's Advanced Framer course has truly Advanced material, offering teachings beyond any other resource I've encountered. His extensive knowledge, coupled with a very clear teaching style, simplifies even the most challenging concepts effortlessly. Dan’s breakdown of advanced concepts through perfectly crafted diagrams is a game changer.



Meet your instructor

Dan Hollick

Dan Hollick

Product Designer at Raycast

I've been working in tech as a product designer since we used to do it in Photoshop. These days I run my own small design company, Rectangle Labs.

I've always been obsessed with design tools and Framer is no exception.

You can usually catch me writing very long threads about design tooling over on twitter.

A pattern of wavy dots

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Advanced Framer

What's in the box?

What's in the box?

Learn how you want

Like to jump around? No problem.

The topics are designed so that you can jump in and learn the specific thing you're interested in.

Course assets included

Get remix links for everything we build so that you can adapt them to your own projects.

Collaborate with others

Stuck on something? Share what you're building with fellow course participants and we'll figure it out together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this cohort based?

I work full-time, what is the expected time commitment?

Do you offer pricing parity?

A pattern of wavy dots

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Advanced Framer