PM Interview Bootcamp


(15 ratings)


10 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

Prepare for PM Interviews like the top candidates. Leverage frameworks and deliberate practice to uplevel your performance. 🔥

This course is popular

26 people enrolled last week.

Course overview

Develop the interview skills & confidence to perform at your very best!

What will you learn this this course?

- What are companies trying to evaluate in interviews?

- What makes a great interview?

- How do you improve & demonstrate product thinking skills?

- How do you improve & demonstrate analytical thinking skills?

- How do you demonstrate leadership skills?

- How do you demonstrate XFN relationship skills?

- How do you improve & demonstrate verbal communication & collaboration skills in interviews?

- How do you plan and execute a job search?

- How do maintain a positive mindset during a tough job search process?

Why should you learn from me?

- Between Feb & Sept 2024 ~600 people attended 28 day & 56 day PM Interview Prep Programs I ran.

- People felt that the course radically transformed their clarity of thought, their performance in interviews and their resilience.

- I have interviewed more than 200 candidates, and been an interviewer trainer.

Course Format:

Phase 1: Product Thinking Core Material (2 weeks)

You will join “Uplevel Your Product Thinking” course. This will include Frameworks & skills for doing rigorous product thinking and deep dives in 12 product themes that encapsulate 50 markets.

Frameworks & Skill Development for doing rigorous product thinking

- Context & Motivation

- Target Audience

- User Problems

- Creative Solutions

Deep dives into 12 product themes that encapsulate 50 markets.

- Theme 1: Entertain, Educate and connect people! Aka Media

- Theme 2: The middlemen making connections! Aka Marketplaces

- Theme 3: Makes it easy to spend money! Aka Ecommerce

- Theme 4: Always On Connection to People! Aka Messaging

- Theme 5: Do More With Less! Aka Productivity

- Theme 6: Amplifying And/Or Replacing Humans on Some Tasks! Aka Gen AI

- Theme 7: Enhancing world and How we interact with it! Aka AR/VR

- Theme 8: Portal to the Internet! Aka H/W, OS, Browsers, Search

- Theme 9: Pays the bills for the free stuff! Aka Advertising

- Theme 10: Makes it easy(ier) to make money Aka Business Products

- Theme 11: Moves, Stores and Invests Money! Aka Financial Products

- Theme 12: Build On Top Of Others! Dev & Design Tools

Phase 2: Analytical Thinking, Leadership, Verbal Skills Core Material (1 Week)

- Analytical Thinking

- Leadership

- Working with XFN

- Verbal Skills

- Mindset

- Job search planning

Phase 3: Deliberate Practice Sessions (5 Weeks)

30+ Deliberate Practice & Feedback Sessions:

- 20 Product Thinking Practice & Feedback Sessions

- 6 Analytical Thinking Practice & Feedback Sessions

- 8 Leadership & XFN Relationships Practice Sessions

- 6 Verbal Skills Practice Sessions (counted in above sessions)

Who is this course for


People who have at least 3-5 years of Product Management experience.


People who have produced strong outcomes at work but find interviews challenging.


People who haven't yet cracked the top tier company interview processes.

What you’ll get out of this course

Understand Companies Evaluation Process

How to Improve Your Product Skills for Interviews

How to Improve Your Interview Delivery Skills

How to run a good job search process

How to maintain a positive mindset during job search

This course includes

Interactive live sessions

Lifetime access to course materials

In-depth lessons

Direct access to instructor

Projects to apply learnings

Guided feedback & reflection

Private community of peers

Course certificate upon completion

Maven Satisfaction Guarantee

This course is backed by Maven’s guarantee. You can receive a full refund within 14 days after the course ends, provided you meet the completion criteria in our refund policy.

Course syllabus

Week 1

Oct 5—Oct 6

    Product Thinking Frameworks A - Context & Motivation

    0 items

    Product Thinking Frameworks B: Target Audience

    0 items

    Product Thinking Frameworks C: User Problems & Creative Solutions

    0 items

    Theme 1: Entertain, Educate and Connect People! aka Media

    0 items

    Theme 2: Middlemen making connections! aka Marketplaces

    0 items

    Theme 3: Makes it easy to spend money! aka Ecommerce

    0 items

    Theme 4: Always On Connection to People! aka Messaging

    0 items

    Theme 5 - Productivity aka Do More With Less! aka Productivity

    0 items

    Theme 6: Amplifying And/Or Replacing Humans on Some Tasks! aka Gen AI

    0 items

Week 2

Oct 7—Oct 13

    Theme 7: Enhancing world and How we interact with it! aka AR / VR

    0 items

    Theme 8 - HW/OS/Browser/Search aka Portal to the Internet! aka H/W, OS, Search

    0 items

    Theme 9: Pays the bills for the free stuff! aka Ads Products

    0 items

    Theme 10: Makes it easy(ier) to make money! aka Business Products

    0 items

    Theme 11: Moves, Stores and Invests Money! aka Financial Products

    0 items

    Theme 12: Build On Top Of Others! aka Dev & Design Tools

    0 items

Week 3

Oct 14—Oct 20

Week 4

Oct 21—Oct 27

Week 5

Oct 28—Nov 3

Week 6

Nov 4—Nov 10

Week 7

Nov 11—Nov 17

Week 8

Nov 18—Nov 24

Week 9

Nov 25—Dec 1

Week 10

Dec 2—Dec 7


(15 ratings)

What students are saying

Meet your instructor

Satish Mummareddy

Satish Mummareddy

Over his 20 year career as a product & engineering leader, Satish had led & scaled products at Meta, Yelp, Yahoo and VideoMining. At Meta, Satish led teams building content & product recommendations, teen safety & well-being, civic engagement and advertising products. Previously, he led the services verticals and self-serve ads businesses at Yelp, and supported video platforms & personalization at Yahoo. Satish started his career as a computer vision researcher at a start up building AI driven products after graduating from Penn State University. 

After switching from an engineering leadership role to an IC PM role 11 years ago Satish realized that he needed to develop skills to Influence Without Authority. He is sharing the playbook of principles, processes, skills and frameworks developed over the last decade so that you can improve your product and influence skills at a 10x faster rate with 10% of the effort.

A pattern of wavy dots

Join an upcoming cohort

PM Interview Bootcamp

Cohort 2



Oct 5—Dec 7, 2024

Payment Deadline

Oct 3, 2024

Don't miss out! Enrollment closes in 5 days

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Bulk purchases

Course schedule

10-20 hours per week

  • All Sessions will be recorded and shared within 48 hrs.

  • Product Thinking 1 - Sat Oct 5

    8AM - 3PM US Pacific Daylight Time

  • Product Thinking 2 - Sun Oct 6

    8AM - 3PM US Pacific Daylight Time

  • Product Thinking 3 - Sat Oct 12

    8AM - 3PM US Pacific Daylight Time

  • Product Thinking 4 - Sun Oct 13

    8AM - 3PM US Pacific Daylight Time

  • Interview Prep 1 - Sat Oct 19

    8AM - 3PM US Pacific Daylight Time

  • Interview Prep 2 - Sun Oct 20

    8AM - 3PM US Pacific Daylight Time

  • Deliberate Practices: Mon to Fri Oct 7 - Dec 6

    5PM - 7PM US Pacific Daylight Time

    No classes week of Thanksgiving - Nov 25 - Nov 29

    Some sessions 7AM - 9AM Pacific Daylight Time

A pattern of wavy dots

Join an upcoming cohort

PM Interview Bootcamp

Cohort 2



Oct 5—Dec 7, 2024

Payment Deadline

Oct 3, 2024

Don't miss out! Enrollment closes in 5 days

Get reimbursed

Bulk purchases




5 days left to enroll