Content Flagship

4.8 (4)


10 Weeks


Cohort-based Course

Take the website you have today and turn it into a content-rich powerhouse that drives your most exciting business goals.

Course overview

Build Out Your Content Flagship Website

In today's world, you don't just need a website. You need a powerfully authoritative flagship.

And honestly ... most sites miss the mark.

If your site is stuck on "Just OK," it's easier than you might think to transform it from ordinary to outstanding.

Who is this course for


This course is perfect for freelance writers who are comfortable writing content, but their sites lack a strong business strategy.


It's also a great fit for entrepreneurs who want to strengthen their thought leadership to support their business goals.


If your website needs to do a better job attracting and nurturing the right clients and customers, this course will help

Topics covered

Communicate a clear business focus

Most sites don't drive business goals because they lack focus. Deciding on your key messaging takes some real discipline.

You'll get in-depth coursework to unearth your messages — as well as private coaching time with Sonia Simone — to walk you through those essential decisions.

Make an amazing first impression

There are a handful of points on your website that can make or break your first impression with potential clients.

We'll walk you through the pages that absolutely must be on your site, and how to make them exceptional. And you'll get a strong draft done ... in real time.

Publish the right content (not too little, not too much)

"More content" tends to be a writer's first answer when building their site out.

But it's not a matter of more ... it's a matter of getting the right pieces onto your site, and putting them in the right positions.

Master the "10% brag"

Does talking yourself up make you queasy? We have a fun, easy process that Sonia calls "10% brags."

You'll use them to talk about your most impressive accomplishments ... without making yourself look like a windbag.

Build the "path to client"

Just like big brands build a "path to purchase," we're going to put together your individual "path to client."

Your site will become a place where clients learn how much they want to work with you ... and exactly how to move forward.

Find new clients without tears

Prospect outreach is one of the most important aspects of an authoritative site ... but most site owners ignore it.

Why? Because it feels hard!

We'll give you simple templates and frameworks that will help you expand your network and pipeline.

BONUS: Dedicated time to implement

The course sets aside dedicated time to get the assignments done in a supportive group setting.

You'll also get six months of access to our implementation group, including flexible coworking and quick weekly goal-setting and end-of-week accountability calls.

BONUS: Workshops on content strategy

This workshop includes two bonus on-demand workshops on strategic content creation.

These will unlock after we've completed our live sessions. That keeps them from distracting us while we work together on your content flagship.

BONUS: Two private sessions with Sonia

The 2023 version of the course includes two private coaching sessions with Sonia.

The first is to set your goals and priorities for the program. The second is for any troubleshooting you may need along the way!

BONUS: Feedback on your site

Our updated course includes in-depth feedback on your site!

When you're ready for feedback, Sonia will personally prepare a detailed report, so you know what's working and what still needs some adjustment.

You'll have a full calendar year to submit your site for feedback.

4.8 (4)

See what people are saying

        Sonia is one of the best writers in the content marketing space, period. Her unique mix of expertise, sass, and empathy clearly demonstrate how a distinctive voice can lead to content that resonates with the right people.
Brian Clark

Brian Clark

Founder of Copyblogger
        I'm a copywriter, and I have picked up two additional retainer clients since I started with Sonia's group. It's not a coincidence – my productivity has gone through the roof and I can fit more writing in every week. Bonus: The people in the group are fantastic! I really look forward to seeing them and interacting with them in the sessions.
Beth Hayden

Beth Hayden

Freelance copywriter and content strategist
        Sonia's like a cross between a writing business buddy with a marketing background and a creative mentor. The result has been more confidence and ideas that feel more aligned with the kind of writer I want to be. I’ve made a lot of progress following Sonia’s concrete and useful feedback on both my writing and business.
Jen Baxter

Jen Baxter

Copywriter and business owner
        It's a perfect fit at this point in my life: I get to work with a group, from all over the world, that shares my vision for a life of creativity and freedom.
Joe Polivick

Joe Polivick

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Content Flagship

Meet your instructor

Copyblogger Media co-founder Sonia Simone

Copyblogger Media co-founder Sonia Simone

Sonia was a co-founder of Copyblogger Media, and served as Chief Content Officer there for 10 years. In that time, she wrote about 1.6 million words (that's about 30 business books!) Her popular MOOC has taught more than 446,000 students the power of strategic content marketing, with a 97% approval rating.

Now she focuses her time on smaller, more intimate groups, to be able to deliver even more profound results.

Syllabus for the Content Flagship course


#1: Fuel Up: The creative kickoff

This session will get us energized and ready to build, with an exploration of the key concepts and some creative freewriting. We'll dive into your key messages with fun and creative exercises that we work on together.

We'll also make a flexible plan for keeping your project on track ... so you end up with a polished site you love.


#2: Preflight check: The essential pieces

This is where we'll go over the critical structures that make sure your flagship serves your goals. And we'll learn about an easy tool you can set up that will be hugely helpful when it's time to promote your site.

We're going to make a couple of big decisions for your flagship today. Don't worry, you can update them later, if you like!


#3: Star chart: Crafting your unique message

This is where we'll really dive into the specifics of your message. We'll do some powerful exercises to uncover your content fingerprint and find your core message. Then we'll work on making that message memorable and consistent, and we'll start to populate your content universe with it.


#4: To boldly go: Audience and outreach

Now that you have a unique and memorable message, we're going to use it to go find your audience. We'll work on both expanding your professional universe and building the audience of potential clients or customers who want to know more about you.


#5: Your intergalactic content empire

No more "just get something published once a week"! In this session, we'll get off the unending content treadmill, and start assembling the pieces that actually serve our goals. We'll build out a content framework for what we want to achieve, then make a workable plan to get it done.


#6: Diplomatic mission: Finding better clients

Are clients from another planet? Sometimes it seems that way. This session is all about finding the prospects that become excellent clients, then building the structures that support that relationship.


BONUS: The Excellent and Sustainable Blog

Unlocks when the Flagship course is completed

In these pre-recorded sessions, Sonia walks you through the structures, tools, and processes to write a terrific blog ... and to keep writing for the long haul. These sessions are also applicable to other sustainable content, like podcasts or video.


BONUS: Smarter Email Marketing

Unlocks when the Flagship course is completed

In this pre-recorded workshop, Sonia walks you through the essential strategies and techniques for effective email marketing.


BONUS: 6 Full Months of Implementation Sessions

Your course tuition includes six full months of implementation sessions with Sonia and her community. You'll get support and gentle accountability to complete all of the coursework — and even your ongoing content.


SPECIAL BONUS: Two private coaching calls + in-depth feedback

Your course includes two private coaching calls with Sonia.

We recommend you take the first to dial in your messaging and business goals. Then you can use the second to troubleshoot when you need it!

Sonia will also prepare an in-depth report with feedback on your finished site. You have a full year from your start date to request this.

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Content Flagship

Sonia's on a mission to get you a website you're truly proud of

Sonia's on a mission to get you a website you're truly proud of

A new — and better — way to learn online

A new — and better — way to learn online

Hands-on active learning

You won't just be listening to another online course — you'll be doing the work in a fun, live setting that maximizes accountability.

Harness the power of gentle accountability

Working with a community of peers will help you get more done, and give you the motivation to keep going through the uncomfortable parts.

Unmatched support for your productivity

Sonia's community of writers and business owners have been dramatically improving their productive output for more than two years now.

You get six full months of implementation support with this course.

One-on-one coaching to move forward more quickly

Our small-group format allows Sonia to build in time to work together one-on-one.

You get two coaching sessions — one to sharpen your goals, and one to troubleshoot anything that's got you stuck.

In-depth feedback for your new site

When you've completed the course, let Sonia know when you're ready for some detailed feedback.

She'll individually prepare a report just for you, letting you know what's working well and what might need an additional tweak.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Content Flagship