1 Day
·Cohort-based Course
Go from a heavy consumer to a creator on Twitter in 3 hours.
1 Day
·Cohort-based Course
Go from a heavy consumer to a creator on Twitter in 3 hours.
Course overview
1. Learn how to find accounts you *really* want to interact with
2. Speed-learn the best networking practices on the platform
3. Create 30 pieces of content to get you started
You're a seasoned operator (like Dave Kline) looking to share your learnings and become a subject matter expert in your field.
You're a founder (like Siddharth Mohan) looking to share your story and experiences to help with hiring, fundraising, and partnerships.
You aspire to be a creator (like Jason Levin) and share wisdom through internet writing and digital products.
Find accounts you really want to interact with
On Twitter, you can easily set foot into the wrong communities.
We'll show you how to find the right accounts to interact with and build connections
Best networking practices
Twitter works slightly differently from other social media.
Learn how to leverage tactics that we have been using for years to connect with superstars on the internet.
Create 30 pieces of content in 3 hours
You're a creator when you truly believe it. If you keep learning but don't create anything, it won't lead to partnerships, or growing your business or your network.
The goal is to get to your first 30 pieces of content in 3 hours.
Grow on Twitter
Dave Kline
Murtaza Bambot
Silvio Perez
3 hours
Friday, December 10
11:00am - 2:00pm ET
Going from a consumer on Twitter to creating content, building a network and fostering partnerships
Build a repeatable system
In 3 hours, we will set up your Twitter stack to make creating content and engaging with others dead-simple.
Join live, rewatch anytime
The workshop will be recorded, so you can watch again if you have to miss a section, or just want a refresh on the material.